Thai Basil Recipes
Thai Basil is the herb to grow if you like cooking Asian Dishes.
It’s one of my favourite herbs, more info on why it’s so good for cooking further down the page.
Below you will find some example Thai basil recipes – I will be adding more recipes over time. To be kept updated simply visit my Instagram page
Homemade Thai basil sauce
Thai basil red curry
Thai basil tea
Thai basil strawberry smoothie
Thai basil strawberry cocktail
Thai basil coconut chicken curry
Easy Thai Basil Chicken
Thai basil for cooking
Ideal for Thai, Laos or Vietnamese Recipes
The reason it’s so good for Asian dishes is that it has the same flavours as standard basil but in addition has a strong liquorice and anise flavour that gives foods like curries and soups a unique aroma.
In addition to the Thai basil recipes above here are a few more:

Fresh Thai basil or ??
Unfortunately there are very few shops that sell dried Thai basil but you might be able to get fresh Thai basil leaves in some shops.
However it’s very easy to grow at home and fresh homegrown Thai basil does taste nicer than even ‘fresh’ ones bought in shops. It is ideal to grow indoors, because as a tropical plant it needs warm temperatures and is not frost resistant.
It loves warm very sunny conditions and hates cold draughts. If you want to grow basil in soil then:
- Days from seed to harvest – about 40 to 50 (2 to 3 months)
- Will germinate in 12 to 40 days
- Thin the seedlings or transplant leaving 38 cm between plants
- It will grow to about 30 cm high